Mourning Braylec

… The Valari leaders praise Thanodel as a hero and even acknowledge the humans as friendly as they can. Healers are sought and those still alive are cured. Thanodel is all for going back through the portal to find the followers of Thanatos but the elves are not up to a full scale attack. The party spend their next hours creating a fitting boat pyre for Braylec’s funeral. Shaylia bids the misfits farewell, she has nothing to keep her with the party now that Braylec is gone and she takes his blessed plate mail armour back to the Temple of Thor.

Using the last stone they contact ‘the man’ and though disappointed with the lack of hard evidence he advises them to flee the country and offers to teleport them back to Darakin. They make their way to the countries capital and disguising Vildar as a camp pirate to get him past the guards they get to their allies and are Teleported to over the mountains to Darakin. Though they have saved months of travel they are still weeks away from Braylec’s keep. Gaining some double edged rewards for serving the country they commission a huge statue to be created and delivered to the keep. They team up with a caravan that is going part way but soon after leaving it to continue on their own they find that they are being followed. Thanodel suggests that Vildar drive the wagon a further mile and then turn around while he hides. Ganymede makes himself invisible using his magic while Thanodel digs himself a shallow trench and conceals himself with turf. The rough looking riders pass and soon confront the returning wagon. Under the pretence of asking for rations they circle the wagon; most keeping out of sight using the little cover there is by the road. Ganymede sees this through his owl familiar and scatters them with a fireball. Some way off still Thanodel hails those he can see with arrows while Vildar jumps from the duckboard and takes out one of the riders. Thanodel’s wolf companion savages another while Tiyana takes pot shots from the back of the wagon with her crossbow. The unfortunate group whoever they are did not stand a change and the remaining few flee for their lives.

The eventually reach the keep and are greeted by Braylec’s entourage who are saddened to get confirmation of this death. They dine and rest in their first bed for weeks and consider what to do next.

Vildar arranges a suitable location for the statue of Braylec and dedicates the renovated chapel to Thor in Braylec’s honour.